10 Reasons to Challenge Your Limits And Go Outside Your Comfort Zone

 I have always been a big fan of challenges – the ones you create for yourself in order to achieve some big goal or simply check how far in this life you could go. As it turned out, I always got what I wanted, because I asked myself the right questions and could easily find the direction to move in. So, challenging my limits eventually turned into a hobby.

But I see more and more people questioning the advantages of such challenges  – they say they prefer to live a relaxed life without the tension of your current goal and the set of rules to follow on a daily basis. However, soon they realize that this is what makes us human – the ability to dream and act.So, if you are considering some personal challenge, be it a diet, a promotion or a relationship, I’ll tell you WHY you should be brave and just go for it:

1. It’s fun! When you wake up in the morning and know that today you’re going to do something meaningful, something big (even if you’re the only person who considers 30-minute morning exercise a big deal), you immediately begin to enjoy every moment   a lot more. You become curious, you wonder if you’ll be able to get to a new level and broaden your horizons. You see some of your friends and colleagues trying to discourage you by showing their own lazy and even miserable existence – and you convince yourself that it’s far from what you would rather be or become. And it’s fun to be different – strong, persistent and successful!

2. Days are active and productive. Usually when you start your personal challenge, you have a plan of actions. You know exactly what you need to do on any particular day. You see your destination, you know this is where you belong, so you just use your time wisely and by the end of the day your to-do list has nothing left – and you’re proud of yourself for being so productive!

3. You see results. Every little thing you do on your way to success matters – and before you go to bed, you count your blessings and see what you managed to achieve. For example, if you want to exercise every day, in a couple of days you’ll already see that it got easier and the body feels stronger and more toned. You’ll see how people around you will start treating you differently – either with envy (run away from them!), or with support and admiration (they are the ones who are most likely to follow your lead and get inspired by your example).

4. Inspiration! When there’s something to devote your day and time to, you suddenly feel the “flow” taking you away and energy spreading everywhere around you. You might even feel the urge to do the things (like cleaning, paying bills or ironing) that you’ve been putting off for ages because you simply didn’t have the inspiration and the mood to do them.

5. You set a good example. If you have kids, there’s nothing better than being an example for them – show them how you can do anything you decide, be Bruce Almighty and see for yourself that when you encourage your son, nephew or even your grandpa to change their life and believe in themselves, it’s worth a thousand words.

6. Short time. It’s not as hard as it looks – you don’t need centuries to transform your life and become a better version of yourself. For any goal you need about 21-40 days. Of course, the goal must be SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-bound. You can find a lot of information on this criteria online. The thing is, for your personal challenge you only need a few weeks to see the amazing results. You just have to promise yourself to be strong and stick to your goal and action plan for this period of time. That’s all. A piece of cake.

7. Motivation. When you start moving in the direction of a better life, the journey itself is very motivating. The more days you leave behind, the harder it is to stop and quit. And when you’ve completed your challenge and the results are visible and measurable, your next success story is soon to come.

8. Like-minded people. There are a lot of forums online where you can meet like-minded people from all over the world. You can’t imagine how great a support they can offer you! You can also find friends who would love to join you. And when you’re doing something with a team, it’s even more fun.

9. Creativity. Making dreams come true is a very creative process: you are always looking for new ways of doing the old things. You begin to see the unexpected routs to the destination point. Suddenly you feel empowered – you become the creator of your own happiness.

10. General well-being. All in all, being a human obliges us to use our brains to the fullest. Just lying in bed, surfing the web, eating, drinking and working is not very different from being an ant. Well, they don’t have the Internet, as far as we know, but other than that most people haven’t evolved much compared to the insects. Use your power. Fulfill your life purpose. And to do this, dream big and make things happen.


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