Living Apart Together (LAT): How Life Decided For Us

How long has it been since I last posted anything here! I did miss sharing with you my thoughts and experiences.

The reason I’m writing today is quite unexpected: I’ve been down with bronchitis for a week now, and my Doctor told me it could be because of the “anti-sanitary” conditions I’m living in. The thing is, my husband doesn’t have any problems because of it (he might just have a stronger immune system), but I, on the other hand, have been dealing with respiratory diseases on a regular basis since I moved in. Moreover, we’ve been living together for over 4 years, and it’s kind of felt like not the best option for both of us (even though we’ve never really confessed to it).

It turned out, I’m now facing the risk of developing asthma, and in the lack of better options we decided that I should move in with my mom until Tim (my husband) has done the renovation in our apartment.

It might take time, I know, but I’m excited about it anyway. Here’s why:

  • I’ll be able to help my mom around the house and support her through hard times (she’s single and she’s having problems at work).
  • Tim and I will have more personal space and freedom (we don’t have any trust issues so we’ll most likely both benefit from this temporary (or not) change.
  • I’ll learn to be more self-sufficient and independent (since I got married, I’ve been too dependent and “needy”, trying to put the responsibility for everything on my husband’s shoulders).
  • Our relationship will become more exciting and less predictable because we’re going to have to consciously choose where and when to meet, without being forced to see each other on a daily basis.
  • My health will almost certainly improve (that’s according to my Doctor).
  • I’ll train myself to be more “housewifely”. All this time we’ve been living in the apartment of my husband and his brother, so no wonder it’s hardly ever felt like home for me. Staying at my mom’s place would feel more like home. (I know it sounds weird but that’s how it is)

I’m delighted and scared at the same time, but deep inside I just feel that it’s the right thing to do. I even feel like starting a new blog devoted to living separately but together. I’m really curious about the changes my family is going to face but I know deep inside that it’s bound to be the right choice.

If any of you have ever been in an LAT relationship, I wonder what your opinions are. Feel free to share in the comments area below!

Tim and I in Phuket, 2014

6 Strange Things My Husband Loves About Me

Photo from

I have already written about my Dream Man who happens to be my husband. We’ve been together for over 6 years now, and our relationship has proved to be stronger than any troubles we’ve faced. I’m far from being perfect, I know that. And the harder I try to become a better person, the clearer I see that there’s still a long way to go. I’m insecure, vulnerable, moody, self-conscious, anxious, highly-sensitive, and perfectionist. This is just a short list of what comes with a package. Of course, there are quite a few positive qualities I possess, some of which could easily make me a Dream Woman for most men I know, but we won’t go there – I’ll keep it secret.

The thing is, I’m pretty messed up, with lots of quirks and the like. But there is a soul mate for each weirdo in this world, and your perfect match is the person who will love you not because of your virtues, but despite your shortcomings.

My husband loves me for the things which somebody else would consider flaws. That proves that if you are single, it doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you, or that nobody will ever fall in love with you because you are not perfect.

Seriously, are there many guys who would love me for what Tim finds adorable?


6 Strange Things He Loves About Me

Photo from

1. I’m a crybaby.

Seriously, every little thing can make me shed a tear. I can start crying over a chick flick, or a soulful short story, or somebody’s personal problems, or thousand other things. I don’t usually get into long hysterics, but you don’t need much to get me sobbing and weeping. For most men it would be annoying, but mine seems to enjoy seeing me vulnerable. Not that he likes it when I’m going through really hard times – he suffers as much as I do if there’s something awful is going on. But if I begin to blubber for no reason, he sees me as an insecure little girl who needs care and a shoulder to cry on. He know that I can be tough, so my moments of weakness do attract him and remind him that there’s a scared highly-sensitive child behind the cover.

2. Rain at seven, fine at eleven.

It’s as if I was reborn every day like Phoenix with a new set of dreams, hopes and attitudes. I obviously have some things (as well as people) that I stick with, but generally speaking, I don’t really know what I want most of the time. Besides, I get bored with people too quickly, usually once I see that they have nothing to give me in terms of knowledge, feelings, or value. So I must seem like a lost soul to my husband. One day I am determined to leave for another country (I even start searching for a job somewhere in Singapore). Next day I fall in love with my town all over again and silently ask it for forgiveness while walking along the streets and enjoying the views. One day I get home from work, all excited and delighted. A couple of days later I may start hating it and wishing I could quit it right away. Now imagine my husband, a non-highly sensitive person, looking at all this show and having the time of his life. He doesn’t freak out when I change my mind about stuff – he finds it cute and funny. This special feature of mine makes me a mystery girl whose next step is impossible to predict.

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Self-Rebranding Series: Week 1. Results of the Beauty Challenge

It’s Part 4 of my Self-Rebranding Series.

Read  Part 1 HEREPart 2 HERE, and Part 3 HERE

Today is the last day of my Beauty Challenge, and I am ready to share the results with you. If you want to read about my plan and the action steps for the Beauty week, read this post about Awakening Your Beauty.

Anastasia G

Anastasia G

So, what have I achieved during the first week of my Self-Rebranding Journey?

1. I became more self-confident. 

I was amazed at how important it is to look and feel beautiful! On the first day of my Challenge I did my hair beautifully and dressed so that my best parts were emphasized. I also did very pretty make-up – and I felt like a Goddess! No wonder almost everyone (both friends and colleagues) told me how great I looked. I was smiling more, and I truly enjoyed myself. Every day since then I have been on cloud nine.

2. I opened up for men’s attention.

I have been trying to accept men’s attention gracefully and with ease. If someone thinks I am beautiful and they let me know (respectfully, of course), I appreciate these signs and don’t shy away. There are still some nasty guys who try to pick you up in the street in the worst of ways. But I just pretend I don’t see them and quickly go away. Despite the fact that I have been wearing skinny jeans and a new sexy short coat, nobody annoying tried to hit on me.

3. I learned to find time for myself.

It turns out, there is a lot of time in the day to do a good make-up, curl your hair, and find the best outfit. I usually took me about an hour to do a makeover and get dressed.

If you set the priorities for yourself and promise yourself to put your beauty and health first, nothing can hold you back.

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How to Marry a Millionaire – One And Only Way

Anastasia and Tim

Anastasia and Tim

Would you like to marry a millionaire? 

I’m happily married to one, and it’s my pleasure to share with you the only 100% sure way how you can do it.

But before I tell you this biggest secret of all millionaires’ wives, let’s discuss one very important question:

Who is Your Dream Millionaire?

Before you set off on a journey to look for your Dream Man, you should have a clear vision of what stands behind the so-called Millionaire you hope to marry one day.

1. He is extremely rich. This is the first thing that comes to mind when we hear the word “Millionaire”. Of course, there is at least a million dollars hidden right in the middle of this word! But for different women the idea of “rich” can mean right about anything – beginning from $1000-salary up to Richard-Branson-kind-of-guy.  What I want you to realize is money comes and goes, but the ability to earn it stays forever. This is what most of us mean when we say we need a rich husband.

2. He is breathtakingly handsome. All millionaires are bound to be good-looking (or this is what we prefer to believe). Surely with his money he could easily do anything to polish his appearance and turn into a beautiful swan even from the ugliest duckling. But, once again, I’m here to challenge you: What is your vision of “handsome” and are you sure it will never change? One day we are attracted to well-built tanned guys from the gym, and next day we can’t take our eyes off a slightly overweight bold man wearing glasses and a T-shirt. So, he must be handsome for YOU – that’s what you’re looking for in your dream man.

3.  He is incredibly smart. Because he must be a self-made millionaire (you can’t expect me to believe that you’d respect a man who has stolen all his dough or has simple inherited everything from his uncle). And to make his own money in such huge amounts he has to be clever, thoughtful, hard-working, determined, self-confident, etc. Besides, his intelligence also makes him charming and absolutely hilarious.

Those are 3 most common features of a typical millionaire that all women see themselves next to in their sweetest dreams.

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Three S of Being a Good Wife: The Biggest Secret of a Happy Marriage

Photo from

Photo from

Once in about 6 months I ask myself if I’m being the best wife for my husband I could possibly be. The thing is, I know I’m far from perfect.

  • I don’t always look my best,
  • I’m not an ideal housekeeper,
  • I don’t particularly like cooking,
  • I can overwork, get exhausted and then take it off on my husband.

There is nothing to hide: I’m work in progress.

But truth is, I love my husband so much that I can’t help asking myself now and then if there’s anything I could do (that doesn’t go against my true self) that would make my husband happier.

I’ve had this conversation with Tim (my man) several times, and eventually he convinced me that all those things that were historically put on wives’ shoulders don’t really matter as long as there’s love involved. By this he means that for many modern men the following things don’t have to be a wife’s burden:

  • Wife doesn’t have to be the only one responsible for a full fridge and daily meals.
  • Wife can do the cleaning together with her husband or even hire a housekeeper if the salary allows.
  • Wife’s world doesn’t need to revolve around her husband – for men nowadays a working woman with many different hobbies and interests is much more attractive than a narrow-minded girl who can’t talk about anything but her spouse.

I know every marriage is different and there are certainly those who have traditional values and prefer traditional roles. But my marriage taught me that to be a good wife I mainly need to be myself and love myself first, and only then love my husband – because if there’s no love in my soul in the first place, there’ll be nothing to share.

Three S of Being a Good Wife

Just recently I discovered that I can be the best wife for my husband if I follow the Rule of Three S:

1. Sensitive

2. Sensual

3. Sensible

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How to Become His Dream Woman: 5 Tips to Create Your Ideal Self And Find Love


In the post “How to Find Your Dream Man” I shared my long journey from being a lonely teenage girl to marrying my perfect match. And the main secret of attracting the ideal partner into my life was simple: I set the intention to become His Dream Woman. I was certain that there was someone special for me out there, and to make it easier for Fate to bring us together I had to go through serious transformation of beliefs, behaviors and attitudes.

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